Mindful Mystic, Chakra Balancing, Reiki Healing, Energy Healing, Sound Healing, Las Vegas Reiki, Reiki Las Vegas, Reiki Classes, Las Vegas Reiki Classes, Reiki Classes Las Vegas, Crystal Store, Numerology Reports, Angel Card Readings,
Mindful Mystic, Chakra Balancing, Reiki Healing, Energy Healing, Sound Healing, Las Vegas Reiki, Reiki Las Vegas, Reiki Classes, Las Vegas Reiki Classes, Reiki Classes Las Vegas, Crystal Store, Numerology Reports, Angel Card Readings,
Are Your Chakras Balanced?
Chakra is a Sanskrit word that translates to 'wheel' or 'vortex.' A chakra acts as a channel through which universal life force energy flows. There are seven primary spinning vortexes of energy located along the spine, extending from the base to the crown. The stresses and thought patterns of daily life can lead to blocks or imbalances in one or more of these chakras. My Reiki and Sound Healing sessions are designed to awaken and restore balance to the chakra system. If you'd like to schedule an energetic tune-up call or text me at 702-215-9660, email me at TheMindfulMystic@gmail.com , or click below.
I offer a 1-hour session for $130 and a 90-minute session for $180.
Click here to learn more about Reiki & Sound Healing.
Crown Chakra
Location: Crown of the head
Purpose: Pure awareness, understanding, intelligence, spiritual connection
Issues: Lack of faith, confusion, dizziness, hypersensitivity to light, sound, and environment, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, depression, dementia, problems with the brain, pituitary gland, or nervous system
Overactive Characteristics: Spiritual addiction, confusion, over-intellectualization, living “in your head,” disconnection from spirit, excessive attachments, needing to be popular
Underactive Characteristics: Spiritual cynicism, a closed mind, learning difficulties, rigid belief system, apathy
Balanced Characteristics: Spiritual connection, wisdom, mastery, intelligence, open-mindedness, ability to question, ability to assimilate and analyze information, joyful, aware of one’s individuality
Balancing Activities: Silent meditation, chanting, conscious breathing, gazing at the night sky, vibrational healing
Third Eye Chakra
Location: Above the eyes, center of the forehead
Purpose: Seeing, intuition, insight
Issues: Tension headache, migraine, sinusitis, vision problems, learning disabilities, anxiety disorders, nightmares, problems with the eyes, nose, ears, pineal gland, skeletal system, or trusting inner guidance
Overactive Characteristics: Hallucinations, delusions, obsessions, nightmares, difficulty concentrating, worrying, feeling lost, seen by others as living in a fantasy world
Underactive Characteristics: Lack of imagination, difficulty visualizing, insensitivity, excessive skepticism, denial, inability to see alternatives, can be easily influenced, doubting oneself, confused about life purpose
Balanced Characteristics: Strong intuition, penetrating insight, creative imagination, good memory, good dream recall, ability to visualize, charismatic, can easily meditate, seen by others as wise, knows life purpose
Balancing Activities: Keeping a dream journal and meditation
Throat Chakra
Location: Throat
Purpose: Communication, creativity
Issues: Self-expression, speaking one’s truth, listening, sore throat, laryngitis, upper respiratory illnesses, dental problems, skin irritations, ear infections, stiff neck, shoulder pain, stuttering, attention disorders, or problems with the teeth, mouth, thyroid or carotid arteries
Overactive Characteristics: Talking too much, gossiping, stuttering, difficulty being silent, excessive loudness, inability to keep confidences, criticizing, boring others
Underactive Characteristics: Difficulty putting things into words, fear of speaking, speaking with a weak voice, secretiveness, excessive shyness, tone deafness, dependent, difficulty expressing creative side
Balanced Characteristics: Clear communications with others, good listener, full voice, good sense of timing and rhythm, honest, creative expression
Balancing Activities: Singing, chanting, reciting poetry, praying, meditating, keeping a journal, painting, dancing, drumming, and creative writing
Heart Chakra
Location: Chest
Purpose: Love, relationships, compassion, self-love
Issues: Relationships, self-love, balance, cardiovascular problems, hypertension, respiratory ailments, arthritis, problems with breasts, diaphragm, ribs, upper back, shoulders, lungs, arms, or thymus gland
Overactive Characteristics: Codependency, poor boundaries, jealousy, being a martyr, being a pleaser, giving too much
Underactive Characteristics: Antisocial, withdrawn, critical, intolerant, lonely, isolated, lack of empathy, fear of intimacy, self-pity, fear of rejection, neediness, clinginess, uncertainty
Balanced Characteristics: Caring, loving, compassionate, empathetic, accepting, self-loving, peaceful, centered, content, contagiously good vibe
Balancing Activities: Volunteering, charitable work, reading inspirational books, reading or writing poetry, yoga
Solar Plexus Chakra
Location: Between the sternum and the navel
Purpose: Energy, will
Issues: Lack of personal power, low strength of will, low self-esteem, digestive problems, food allergies, diabetes, adrenal imbalances, arthritis, anxiety, introversion, problems with liver, kidneys, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, or stomach.
Overactive Characteristics: Dominating, controlling, competitive, arrogant, hyperactive, stubborn, compulsively driven, judgmental, critical, bully, attracted to sedatives
Underactive Characteristics: Passivity, lack of energy, poor digestion, tendency to be cold, submissive, blaming, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, weak will, poor self-discipline, procrastinating, taken advantage of, use of stimulants
Balanced Characteristics: Responsible, reliable, good self-discipline, positive sense of self, confident, warm, energetic, spontaneous, playful, humorous, outgoing, able to take risks, respectful of others, problem solving, calm
Balancing Activities: Power yoga, aerobics, swimming, power walking, hiking
Sacral Chakra
Location: Upper part of sacrum below the navel
Purpose: Movement and flow
Issues: Mood swings, issues with sexuality, problems in relationships, violence, addictions, jealousy, gynecological problems, impotence, STDs, stiff lower back, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, problems with intestines, appendix, genitals, hips, rectum, kidneys, bladder, or urinary tract
Overactive Characteristics: Sexual addictions, obsessive attachments, excessive mood swings, excessively sensitive, poor boundaries, emotional dependency, instability, manipulative, power hungry
Underactive Characteristics: Rigid beliefs, emotional numbness, fear of change, lack of passion, avoidance of pleasure, fear of sexuality, poor social skills, excessive boundaries, boredom, guilty, overly concerned about what others think
Balanced Characteristics: Friendly, playful, graceful movements, ability to embrace change, emotional intelligence, healthy boundaries, ability to enjoy pleasure, sexual satisfaction, passion
Balancing Activities: Massage, listening to music, taking a warm bath, gentle yoga, dancing
Root Chakra
Location: Base of the spine
Purpose: Foundation, grounding, survival, stability
Issues: Work, home, family, health, structure, finances, trust, nourishment, security, lust, obsession, ego, lower back pain, obesity, anorexia, constipation, hemorrhoids, colitis, kidney stones, impotence,
varicose veins, problems with knees, shins, ankles, feet, or skin
Overactive Characteristics: Sluggishness, resistance to change, overeating, obesity, hoarding, material fixation, greediness, excessive spending, bossy, big ego, violent, cunning
Underactive Characteristics: Fear, anxiety, resistance to structure, underweight, anorexia, spaciness, flightiness, vagueness, restlessness, inability to sit still, shy, sexually inadequate, unsure, difficulty manifesting
Balanced Characteristics: Groundedness, independent, trusting, physically healthy, being comfortable in own body, sense of safety, security, stability, right livelihood, prosperity, poised, ability to be still, living in the here and now
Balancing Activities: Yoga, walking, hiking, running, biking, gardening, carpentry, pottery
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